Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Vacation!

My  Christmas Vacation was anything but lame, but then again it never is...can't be with my family.  I know I say this alot BUT I am very lucky to have such a great family.  I got to  the bright lights of Beaumont (BMT...sometimes referred to at Big Money Texas) Sunday afternoon.  I unloaded just in time to help get the Christmas Tree Down (which I swore I wasn't coming home till the tree was up, fail) and set it up (Dad and I convinced mom to use the small tree...good move) I then got in the car with  Mom to finish up some Christmas Shopping. This year has been  very last min, but that doesn't  mean the meaning was any less.  We  got food for grilling, something I  INSIST on doing when home. 

While the grill was heating up, a few friends stopped by to say hello to the family. Yes they are from BMT and live in Round Rock, but we still don't see enough of each other. I enjoyed catching up with them . When they left, The Pierce's sat around and watched the movie Limitless. Believe it or not, I stayed awake during the whole movie (very rare for me). We finally went to bed. 

Mom and I woke up the next morning, sparked it up and headed to Crossfit Beaumont for open gym. My mom asked me to program something for her. I told her "12 Days Of Christmas", she found her old log and pulled out the version she did last year (I was impressed she had her old log). I told her to do the same thing and beat her time. When we got there, the gym was quickly filling up and spots were getting slim (that is awesome). Mom decided she wanted to do some skill work so I invited her to join me in doing Outlaw. 12/24/12 workout was:

BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch: 5X1 @ 80%, 5X1 @ 90%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
2) Clean & Jerk: 5X1 @ 80%, 5X1 @ 90%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
5 rounds for total working time of:
Row 250m
10 Burpees
30 Double-Unders
Rest 1:1

 As you can see from the pics above and  THIS video, mom had no problem  and with out hesitation, set up a bar and  went to work . Needless to say, I was beyond  impressed. Not only did my mom and I  crossfit together, she did  OUTLAW! 

 After a trip to HEB (crazy I know) we came home and I finished wrapping presents. I had an "oldie but goodie" stop by to keep me company while I wrapped. We then all got ready for the 6pm Wesley UMC service, which was beautiful as always. We all even got to usher, which made my Dad proud. After the service, we headed to Waffle House, our new tradition which I LOVE! I even ran into an old high school friend! From there we headed home for Family Christmas where we exchange gifts with each other. Let me tell you, I got some good stuff. Duke and I are WAAAAY spoiled.

It was then off to bed to await the arrival of Santa! Christmas Morning was great!  I didn't wake up to an alarm, Mom prepared a simple breakfast,  mine and Duke's stocking was full of goodies. Around noon, Daddy discovered that  ALOT of people were without lights due to a storm, therefore he went to work (booo!!). It  poured here for a good 20mins, but the sun came out, but we layed around and did a whole lot of nothing which was perfect and mucho needed. Christmas Day was full of  productiveness (is that a word?). I got alot of "busy work" done.  Bubba (my brother) then grilled and we (Mom, Bubba and Me, Daddy was still working) ate.  I then headed over to visit an "oldie but goodie".

The next morning, Mom and I were up headed back to Crossfit BMT for her normal workout. I was very excited to find out it was mainly skill work. I was sad it wasn't a metcon considering the amount of crap I ate yesterday, oh well tomorrow is a new day! I showered and Bubba and I were off to do our normal post Christmas shopping...something I look forward to every year. After a successful shopping trip, mom met Bubba and me for lunch at Cafe Del Rio...which created a food coma, aka nap! Mom and Bubba ran errands and I worked on a project. I attempted to watch a movie with Daddy and Bubba that night but quickly fell asleep.

The next morning mom and I had plans to go to CFBMT before I left, however when she came into my room that morning and told me it was 30 degrees, I informed her I was going back to bed and I did. I then woke back up at 7am and got on the road by 8:15am, headed back to ATX. On the way home I stopped at a neat store I have been trying to stop at this store on the side of 71 called Industrial Country Market. I was as impressed as I had wished, however I was impressed that they make their on electricity and collect rain water for usage. I would like to see what my Dad has to say about that, LOL!  I plan on stopping by there in the summer.

I finally made it back to Austin where I went straight to work doing normal errands and repairing my fence. All and all it was a good trip. I enjoyed seeing my family and spending the holiday with them, however, I'm glad to be back home in ATX and back on my normal routine and somewhat back to my normal eating habits. Now its time to focus on getting ready for The Fittest Games! 

I couldn't not post the picture below, it shows JUST how spoiled the pups are! 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Waze (Warning: NOT A FITNESS POST)

WARNING...This is NOT a fitness posting, but I think it is helpful. Thanks to "the nerd" I have a slight interest in fun, geeky apps. I know this many of y'all have seen this app, but it was introduce to me before I left for Beaumont on Sunday, which is perfect because I was going to spend alot of time in the car. WAZE is a FREE app that allows you to "join forces with other drivers to outsmart traffic, save time, and gas money, and improve everyone's daily commute. "By simply driving around with Waze open, your're already contributing tons real-time traffic & road info to your local driving community. You can also actively report accidents, hazards, police and others events you see on the road, and get alerts coming up on your route too. Find the cheapest gas station along your route with community shared gas prices". For example, I turned Waze on when I got in my car headed to Beaumont. Every time I saw a police on the road I reported it or every time I saw an accident/ etc I reported it. Since other drivers were using waze and doing the same, reporting, every time I got close to a hidden police/speed trap a notification popped up on my phone to alert me...not that I was speeding or anything :). It showed me where traffic was heavy (more heavy in ATX than in Houston believe it or not). I also was able to share my drive with my parents so they could see where I was on the road (much better then when I was in college and I had to call them when I left Austin/San Marcos and before and after I went through the busy city Houston). This "share" feature can also be used when picking someone up. They can know how far away you are from arriving. I am sure there are MANY more features of this app and there are a few kinks BUT I'm enjoying it! 

Let me hear about your experience! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Relentless: "12 Days Of Christmas"

"Days Of Christmas" 

1- broad Jump
2- Cleans
3- Clusters

4- Game Standard Push Ups 
5- burrrpppeeeessss
6- Super mans
7- Single Arm OH Press

8- Russian Twist
9- American Swings 

10- Jumping Lunges 
11- Sit Ups
12- Squat Cleans

Rx: 35/53#
Score: Performed just like the song! Completion Time. 

This is one of my favorite WODs! Its performed like the song! You will always do 1 broad jump. For this one...JUST HAVE FUN!!! Then make your own and have your family do it on Christmas Morning :) 

Good Luck! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Relentless: 2x90sec 1minREST 2x90sec

2rounds - 90sec 
25 American Swings
Max Push Press

-1min REST-

2rounds - 90 sec
25 American Swings 

Max Sit Ups

Rx: 35/53#
Score: Combined number of Push Press and Sit Ups. 

When there is built in rest, there is no reason you shouldn't go all out. Like I have said when push press occurs, don't do strict press. It says push press, that is a blessing! Use your hips/proper form on the American Swings meaning don't try to muscle that bell above your head. Pick a number in your head for push press such as 5, do 5 push presses, breath 3-2-1, perform 5 push presses, breath get it! HOWEVER when it comes time for sit ups, those should be unbroken, hands down no questions.

Good Luck!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Relentless: PP + Swings + BBJ

10min AMRAP
10 Push Press
10 Swings
10 Burpee Broad Jumps

Rx: 35/53#
Score: 1 round = 30pts. 

Yes you arms are going to get tired, period end of story.  On the Push Press, do a push press, don't kill yourself with a shldr press. As for the swings, use your hips and they won't be so bad. "Broad" is up to you. On the burpees remember to go wide with the feet, makes a HUGE difference, promise! Just move through this. Reps are an easy number and can create an easy break if needed (5/5). 

Good Luck! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

2012 All Cities Open (ACO)

 I cannot believe 2012 All Cities Open (ACO) has come and gone! 2012 is on its way out and 2013 is on its way in! This years ACO was a lot of fun! Having competed a bunch this year, I have gotten to know the "regulars" who show up to theses meets, we have actually all become friends which makes the workouts that much better. On top of my "new friends" I had a TON of Central athletes compete which was REALLY like working out with my friends! 

I traveled to Dallas on Friday afternoon for packet pick up at 6:30pm that evening. After we got our packets at Dallas Central (including our KICK A$$ Warpath jacket) and chatted, we (Jess and myself) headed to Amanda's where we crashed on her couch in her super cute new condo (Thanks Amanda). We were in bed by 9:30pm...which was FANTASTIC! We slept soundly till the alarms went off at 5am, out the door by 6pm, Starbucks by 6:10am.

We got to the high school in Rockwall, TX checked in and claimed a spot for all athletes to Recover/meet in between WODs. During the first Athlete briefing, I looked up and saw my parents and The Duke walking down to the stadium! Not having seen Duke in 2 weeks, I left the briefing to greet him. Geeze I missed that dog! Then Duker and I went back to the athlete briefing. It made me feel good that my fellow teammates greeted Duke as well. 

After the briefing we had to line up for WOD 1. I was in heat 7 so I had some time. WOD 1 was: 

Event 1A: Bench Press + Power Clean Ladder

10 Bars ranging from 185/95# up to 325/185#
- Athletes will have 45″ to complete both Bench and Power Clean at the designated weight at each station with a 15″ transition between stations.  If the athletes fails at one of the lifts and makes the other he/she may move onto the next station and attempt that lift that they made previously.

Dang here we go bench press again. Do I see a pattern? Anyways this was an odd combo which made it interesting. I had a FANTASTIC judge (Heather Reed quality of judge) for this event which made it more fun. I made it to 155# Bench which matches my PR for bench and then I made it to the 185# power clean. I want to say that is my max power clean. If they would have let me regular clean it I could have done it twice LOL!

I had the BEST   judge for this!  (Like Heather Reed good!) She was very motivating and encouraging not just during this event but through out the competition as well.   

 Event 1B: 40 yard Dash 
- Athletes will have one shot and one shot only to sprint 40 yards.

After the ladder it was 40yd dash time...good thing I brought my cleats from The Games. I did a few warm up sprints, got some tips from other athletes because sprinting is NOT my thing. I competed my 40 in 5.5...I was just happy I didn't pull a hamstring. BUT it needs to be faster. 

Event #2: Stadium Parkour
TIME CAP: 10 minutes 
400m Run
5 Hurdle Hops + 5 forward roll over 50 yards
Scale the Stadium Grand Stands up and down
5 Hurdle Hops + 5 forward roll over 50 yards
400m Run

After having practice this I thought...when did I get so old that forward rolls make me dizzy. This means I only practiced that part a few times. I did practice scaling the walls, more so of the fact so I wouldn't slip on the bleachers. Again heat 7 which meant the end for the females. I watch my fellow teammates, Jess and Ingrid as well as some of my other friends just DOMINATE I couldn't let them down. We met our judge and lined up on our mat to go. I took off on my 400m but quickly realized I was going to burn out so I backed it down and maintained a decent pace. I made it through all 5 hurdles and forward rolls without throwing up, scaled the first wall, up the first set of bleachers, scaled the next wall, scaled the 9ft wall and BAM my legs got heavy. I pretty much walked up the last set of bleachers, then hustled down the stairs, back down the 9ft wall, over the the wall to the 1st set of bleachers, over the final wall, 5 hurdles w/ forward rolls and off on the 400m. MY LEGS WERE BURNING!! I finished to have a judge (not my judge...because my judge had his back to me eating links when I finished) call time at 5:21. Done and Done...but that was actually ALOT of fun and I really enjoyed it. 

Event #3: Sled/Snatch 
TIME CAP: 6 minutes AMRAP in 6 min:
50 yard sled pull forward with 90/50#
50 yard sled pull backward with 90/50#
10 Snatches at 135/95#

My legs were STILL on fire when we started this event. I did a few warm up snatches but everything in the warm up area was in kgs so I'm not really sure how much I warmed up with but I got warm (especially since Jess, who had already gone advised me to). Fellow athletes were doing about 2 rounds, so my goal was at least 2 rounds. Best so far was one lady made it back on sled during her 3rd. The trick was in the transition time because we had to move our plates AND clips from the sled to the bar, then back to the sled. I pulled my sled alllll the way to my bar so I didn't have to carry them as far. My first set of snatches was unbroken, the last set was 6-2-2 (I think, needless to say I got them done). I loaded my sled and took off. I made it ALMOST all the way back before they call time. My hamstrings just quit and to the ground I went LOL! 

After those 4 WODs we waited to see who was going to qualify for the final WOD swimming madness!! They took the top:
- 16 Standard Men
- 16 Standard Women
- 6 Masters Men
- 6 Masters Women

This meant us 3 CC girls were going swimming! 

They carried us into this BEAUTIFUL on campus aquatics facility (I forget the fancy name for it). It had a few pools and some diving boards. My high school didn't have that type of facility. They did a master's heat as well as 2 heats of standard women and the same for men. At 4:30pm after all athletes changed into our swim attire. They told us the WOD/Madness.

We had 4mins to perform 20 dumbell thrusters (30#) then swim 50m. The faster you went the more rest you got. I was 1st in the water post thrusters but 4th out of the water. Clearly know where my weakness is. After 4 mins was up we had to jump off the platform and swim under it 5 times then swim 50ms. This was kinda "panicy". Trying to figure out when to come up and then ascending was different in the water (without scuba gear). I just moved as fast as I could because I wanted it to be over faster. I got all kinds of bruises from that. After that was a final 50m sprint. We got to do it "olympics style" the blocks...touching the pad stopped the time. It was neat to see that in a local competition. All I have to say about that is, I need to swim more.

I finished 2012 ACO taking the 3rd place and stood on the podium next to 2 wonderful women Ingrid (1st) and Chelsea (2nd). I'm SUPER blessed for all the love and support I had during this competition. I have a zillion new friends that I look forward to competing alongside of. I cannot thank my parents enough for their love and support during ACO. Thanks to everyone who made this event happen. Another great one in the books! 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Relentless: "EASY DAY"

7min AMRAP
3 2 handed shoulder Press 

6 Jumping Lunges
9 Sit Ups

Score: 1 Round = 18 points.  
Rx: 35/53# 

EASY DAY! The reps are low and the movements are easy. On the 3 2 handed shoulder press, do not waste energy trying to be a rockstar and shoulder pressing that bell up. Use the dip drive. When that bell comes down, go ahead and start the dip part of the next rep. NO REASON these shouldn't be unbroken. The only thing that MIGHT get tough is the 6 jumping lunges. Those should be unbroken, its going to suck but get through them. IF and only IF you have to break them up, sets of 3 without question. I expect LOTS of rounds from everyone! 

Good Luck! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Relentless: Modified "Rankel"

Modified "Rankel" 
6 KB Deadlift
7 Burpee
10 Swings

200m Run

Rx: 35/53#
Score: 1rd = 23 pts. 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Run 200 meters

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant John Rankel, 23, of Speedway, Indiana, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1 Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, California, was killed on June 7, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by mother and stepfather Don and Trisha Stockhoff; father and stepmother, Kevin and Kim Rankel; and brothers Nathan Stockhoff and Tyler Rankel. (The rep scheme is 6, 7, 10 because it was the date that Sgt Rankel was killed.)

Even though we are doing a modified version, there should still be some thoughts and when doing the WOD, and any other hero WODs. Rep Scheme isn't hard at all, everything should be unbroken and there should be some serious hustle on the run! 

Good Luck! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Outlaw Open 2012

Just a couple of days after verbalizing the 2013 Goal to travel more, I was invited to 2012 The Outlaw Palm Springs, California! I have never been to Palm Springs...I got to be careful what I say :) Shortly after booking my ticket (making it official) I started telling my athletes about my opportunity and upcoming trip. After telling 2 of my clients, husband and wife, about the trip, and hearing them talk about how BEAUTIFUL the city was and the view flying in was dreamy, I was even more pumped about going. 

On Thursday Nov. 29th I boarded my flight (Thanks Rabah for dropping me off during traffic). I made a stop in Dallas then off to Palm Springs. Needless to say by the time I got to Dallas it was dark, which meant I was not going to be able to see the view landing in Palm Springs...bummer. I got on my flight in Dallas and landed in Palm Springs at 8:40pm (their time, 10:40pm our time...which means at least and hr past my bed time). Because I'm cheap, I didn't want to purchase airport food and all my shakes were in my checked bag (dumb move)...I was STARVING! Since I didn't have a car I called the hotel, they sent a shuttle. The hotel was ALOT nicer than I thought it was going to be. When I checked in the lady gave me a room overlooking the pool! SWEET!  I went up to my room, dropped off my bags, and ran to look at the view. The pool was AMAZING but it was dark so I didn't give the view much time. I grabbed my purse and went on a hunt for food (it was a hunt by that time). The lady at the counter said I would walk downtown and there were lots of food options. I was open to anything at that point...I was starving. As I walked towards downtown (in my red boots), I was noticing alot of things being closed...great. I finally made it the 3/4ths mile hike downtown. Apparently there was a festival going on. There were booths smiliar to the fair/farmers market style of people selling anything from food... This perked me up a little bit. Since I missed the view and I was starving I was "hangry"... so hungry you get angry. All the restaurants were white cloth napkin and fancy. All I wanted was something to go. I was about to give in to Starbucks coffee and protein powder when I saw Ruby's Diner. I remembered we ate at a Ruby's when I went to the Games in 2011 to watch and it was yummy! They had a To Go Order place so I walked right in. I ordered prob the biggest burger in my life on a gluten free bun with sweet potato fries...HEAVEN! I HUSTLED the walk back to my hotel, put PJs on and hopped into bed to perform the ultimate fat girl move...eating in bed while watching Lifetime (I dont' have cable at home and I really miss Lifetime, especially at Christmas time). I didn't have to be any where till 2:30pm the next day so I turned off ALL my alarms and crashed. I came a day before everyone so it was my first night in a hotel my myself and I survived!! 

The next morning I woke up, the sun was up which is very uncommon for the sun to beat me up in the morning. I went to the window and OMG AT THE VIEW!!! The picture below doesn't do it justice! It was AMAZING! I now understood what my athletes were talking about...then I was kicking myself for not getting up and walking to starbucks for breakfast! WOW! I couldn't believe that I had a hotel room with this view! OMG! I took a picture of it every morning...same view...different picture. I couldn't help it! 

At 11am-ish I met Jess in the hotel lobby (she flew in that morning). We put her bags in the room and went down to get our credentials at check in as well as to watch Ingrid compete in the American Open (an Olympic Lifting Meet that you had to qualify for that was also going on next door to the Outlaw Open). 

Ingrid did a FANTASTIC job as expected! It was great to watch her compete. I have never been to an Oly lifting meet so it was my first and I really enjoyed it. It reminded me of my powerlifting days and lifting on those platforms...which was almost as nerve wrecking as the actual lift!  She snatched ALOT as well as Clean and Jerked ALOT! 

That night we headed back to Ruby's for diner. It was a family dinner. We even found someone to take us to a grocery story for food for the weekend...thanks Don! 

 While competing we made friends with the other fellow Texan ladies. Which means we had that much better of a time and laughed that much harder at everything, especially when we all realized MUST of us have dogs that we treat as kids/humans!

We also made friends with Ryan with Kill Cliff a GREAT recovery drink.

We even convinced Kat Anderson and Chelsea Lewis to get Double CC Tats! What a FANTASTIC group of ladies! 

Here is what the WODs looked like: 
Workout #1
Olympic Weightlifting Total:
3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch
3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk
Data points:
1) Total – 50 points
2) Snatch – 50 points
3) Clean & Jerk – 50 points

This was ran somewhat similar to the the American Open that Ingrid competed in....only our platform wasn't so high...we didn't have to qualify and the format was more of a powerlifting meet so not so much LOL! Jess and I were in heat 2...along with Becca Voigt!! I opened with 130#, missed it the first try, got it on the 2nd then missed my 3rd attempt of 135#. I opened with 175# on the clean and jerk and nailed it. Next was 185# and I got it. Then I missed the Jerk of my clean and jerk at some weight around 195#. Everything was in kg so I stayed confused the whole time. Doubling the kg and adding a little big didn't always work in my favor, LOL! 

Workout #2
Part 1:
Agility test-
5 Over-the-Box Jumps 24″ with alternating Lateral Hurdle Jumps 20″ (between each box)
5-10-15-20m Shuttle Run
5 Over-the-Box Jumps 24″ with alternating Lateral Hurdle Jumps 20″ (between each box)
For time.
Part 2:
3 minutes Row for Meters
Notes: There will be a 2 minute cap for the agility test. The Row portion will start immediately at the end of the 2 minute cap.
Data points:
1) Agility Test – 50 points
2) Row for Meters – 50 points

This one wasn't that bad. I tried to keep up with Jess in the agility however I finished with a 39sec time...I think. Then it was on to the rower. I rowed 772m in about BURN! 

Workout #3
Part 1a:
2 minutes to establish a Max-Height Vertical Leap
Part 2:
12-9-6 of:
Front Squats @ 250#
For time.
9-7-5 of:
Front Squats @ 160#
For time.
*8 minute time cap.
Part 1b:
2 minutes to establish a Max-Height Vertical Leap
Data points:
1) Total of Part 1a & 1b – 50 points
2) MU/FS – 150 points

This workout got changed last min...I"m not sure why. It turned into a medball toss instead of a vertical leap. I remember doing theses in Fittest Games last year and it just made me laugh. The ball we through was small and compact. Which made tossing it backwards overhead interesting. Oh well...I don't even remember how far I threw it...I want to say 24 and some change but I could be wrong. After that we moved on to the the next part...muscle ups. I did all of my 9 Muscle Ups without messing up, clean and front squatted the 170# for 9 with no problem, then back to the MUs. I got to #6 and battled with #7 for a few tries before they called time. I just wanted to get back on front squats because they were the easy part. It was awesome to hear that even the "big dawgs" thought that the weight was heavy when I didn't mind it. We didn't have to finish with a vertical leap so I was okay with that LOL! I was hungry and wanted to go to bed! 

That night we went to 2 different places. One place made us wait forever but reminding us that "we were next" so we left and went to the hotel restaurant and had just as bad of service. Its a good thing we were with good people (some we met there and then our normal crew) and were very chatty the whole time. After that it was off to bed so we could get up the next morning for day 2. 

Workout #4
*This is one continuous effort broken into 15 minute cycles which begin with a 1 mile run for time.
15 minutes to:
Run 1 mile – for time.
With the remainder of the 15 minutes:
Establish a 5RM Deadlift
15 minutes to:
Run 1 mile – for time.
With the remainder of the 15 minutes:
1 attempt – ME UB Set of Pullups
Notes: Athletes will be allowed one “mulligan” of less than 15 reps.
15 minutes to:
Run 1 mile – for time.
With the remainder of the 15 minutes:
Establish a 1RM Bench Press.
Data points:
1) Mile 1 – 50 points
2) 5RM Deadlift – 50 Points
3) Mile 2 – 50 Points
4) ME Pullups – 50 Points
5) Mile 3 – 50 Points
6) 1RM Bench Press – 50 Points

I looked forward to this WOD because I knew I needed to make up points for my lack of MUs. Rudy originally had planned to have us run out the back bay door HOWEVER that was going to be a fire hazard so we ran down the hall and around this lawn area SIX TIMES! I told my judge, "you better be good at counting because I'm going to mess this up". I ran an my 1st mile in 6:09. I came back in caught my breath and opened with a 285# deadlift for 5reps. Rudy came over and asked me if I was done and I said yes, he told me to put 305 on the bar and try that. I picked it up 1x and that was all she wrote. I had a good laugh at it thought. It was out for the 2nd mile, 6:14 and back in for max pull ups. I got 27...however I prob should have hung in there for at least 30. I started to slip and so I let go. Alot of women slipped off the bar because the bars were new. Now I had crappy MUs and horrible Pull Ups, I had to run fast and bench press alot. I ran fast 6:32 and then benched 150. I missed at 160# (155# is my PR). I was happy with it. WOD1 was done for that day! 
Workout #5
100′ Wheelbarrow Down & Back
100′ Wheelbarrow Down & Back
100′ Wheelbarrow Down & Back
100′ Wheelbarrow Down & Back
For time.
Notes: Wheelbarrow weight is TBD. HSPU are Regionals standard and Kipping is allowed.
Data points:
1) Wheelbarrow/HSPU – 100 points

This WOD was fun however I did think about the 90 HSPUs ALL weekend long. Was 90 HSPUs even possible in 12mins? We didn't get to see the wheelbarrows until we got there. These suckers were heavy and awkward. The girls weighed #270 (I think). They were long too. We had to run them down 50' around a kettlebell and back to make 100'. I'm surprised I didn't take anyone out. The principle of carrying it was very similar to the yolk so that was good because I'm decent at the yolk. You did 1 trip down, 40 HSPUs, 1 trip down, 30 HSPUs 1 trip down, 20 HSPUs...TIME! I did sets of 10 for the HSPUs for most of it. I think there were a few sets of 5 in there. It wasn't the kipping up that was hard it was the lowering my head down that hurt so bad. My neck is still crunchy! I called time at 9:03...but don't quote me on that, I know it was just a hot sec over 9mins. 

Workout #6
TBD – 150 points

After a LONG day the top 12 made it to the final  WOD. I placed 13th, so I got to demo the final WOD which made me glad I didn't have to do it that day. I wouldn't mind doing it, just not that day. However our beautiful Ingrid and Kat made it to the final WOD! 

We finished the comp and our last night in the beautiful city with pizza and drinks at a place called Matchbox. The crew was great because it included the Central athletes as well as a few others we met via twitter and at the competition. After dinner we were in bed because most of us had early flights back to ATX.

This competition was a FANTASTIC opportunity to see where I ranked amongst some BIG name games athletes. Not that I expected them to be mean but they were all SUPER nice and very friendly. Another beauty of my sport....

 Like always...I enjoyed competing alongside these amazing women I get to call friends/teammates. Until next time...

Relentless: "Mini Beast"

"Mini Beast"
20 Swings

15 Push Ups 
10 SDHP 
100m Run

Rx: 35/53#  
Score: Completion Time. 15min Cut Off. 

This is just like the title says, "Mini Beast". And believe it or not, alot of these movements were done in your benchmark! Lots of reps in these. Again, look and see what they are divisible by. Where can I take the least amount of breaks/breathers? I know I'm not so good on Push ups and I WILL take breaks with where can I make up time? Swings and SDHP (remember to take the extra 2 secs and set up with correct form or else you will feel it the next day) are not that bad either, I can def do those unbroken. Then all I have to do is HUSTLE on the run. Not that bad any more is it? 

Good Luck! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Relentless: Athlete's Choice

Athlete's Choice 

100 Burpees 
200 KB Wall Ball

Rx: 35/53#
Score: Completion Time. 

This was done in the indoor classes and it was so much fun! I loved the choice that was offered. The discussion leading into the WOD as well as if they made the better choice or not...if they would do the other one or not. It was alot of fun. Pick a number and get to that number. I would do 10 for the burpees and 20 for the KB Wall Balls. After those reps count 5-4-3-2-1 and do the next set. Its like tabata, built in rest.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Relentless: "The Deal"

"The Deal" 
400m Run 

10 Burpees 
20 Swings 
30 Squats 
40 Lunges

Rx: 35/53#

Score: Completion Time. 15min Cut Off. 

This is doable, so close your jaw :) There is nothing in this rep scheme that you cannot do. The only weighted movement is the KB swings and you did more than that in your benchmark...and these are broken up into sets of 20. Look at the rep numbers. Everything is divisible by 10 and 5, however all of these should be unbroken...just saying. As long as you move with a good pace this shouldn't be bad. Recover on the run! 

Good Luck!