Monday, January 7, 2013

400m Run Sandwich

400m Run
20 Goblet Squats
20 Game Standard Push Ups
20 American Swings
400m Run

Rx: 35/55#
Score: For Time, 10min Time Cap.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Welcome back Relentless Athletes! This WOD isn't an easy one to come back too...good thing you did the holiday WODs over the break so it shouldn't be to bad! There are only 2 400m so they should be a good solid effort. The last 400 should be ran without slowing down, no matter how tired your legs are. When you are done with that 400m, you are DONE! Now the in between "stuff". Like I alway say, find a number and stick with it. The squats should be unbroken, you are strong enough for that. The push ups. I would think of them as 4 sets of 5 because push ups are my weakness. The swings should be unbroken, if not 2 sets of 10. This one has an endurance attached to it.  Just move through it. The faster you go, the quicker you are done! LETS GO!!

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