Thursday, March 29, 2012

Benchmark Bragging...

This past week Crossfit Central, started new programs. This means benchmark workouts. I might be the only one who looks forward to these...until afterwards and darn near ALL my athletes have PRed! Each month prior the 1 of the relentless WODS is programed to help "train" the athletes for the next months benchmark. This means that in the month of March, our athtletes were doing WODs to help them train for this months benchmark...Let me tell you it paid off. This month's benchmark went as follow:
"All In Place"
3 rounds
45 Lunges
30 Push Ups
15 Burpees
20min Cut Off

HOLY COW was Spiceworks fast! Check out their improvements!
Jeff 15:46-12:35
Al 10:52-9:05
Greg 11:06 to 9:45...PS this is his 2nd PR this WEEK! He also had a 4rd PR on Cindy!
Cindy 17:22-12:00
Katy 11:12-8:30 (Top Female Time In Class)
Ted 10:18 - 8:55 (Top Male Time In Class)
Julie 14:11 1st time to do the Benchmark so it was a PR
Julie P 12:55 (1st time to do the Benchmark so it was PR

PRs FOR ALL!! Did I mention it was also in the rain?!?!?!!? Well done Spiceworks...Thanks for making me proud!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

12.5 DONE!

I cannot believe that 12.5 and The Open has come and gone! WOW...scary and exciting! Well 12.5 was the same as 11.6 which was:
7min Cut Off
3 Thrusters (65#)
3 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Okay you get the drift. This means you did increased by 3 reps till time ran out! I went 2nd heat with Heather, my FAVORITE most encouraging, motivating judge EVER! I knocked out 3 Thrusters and then took off to the bar.
Needless to say, I'm strong and my gymnastics needs some work. Last year my score was 85, this year I finished with a score of 110, which is 2 pull ups on the set of 18 reps. I'll take it! We ended with a motivating meeting which all coaches have started reading "Power Of Positive Thinking"...which I'm STOKED about! After the meeting it was celebration at Cutros!!! HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support us as we battled these last 5 weeks. Send us up some good vibes as we take on regionals in April! My #1 Fan!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


...Makes the Dream Work! Think about it...when there is large task at work, you organize a team together, break up the task and reach the goal. Games are won in sporting events because of a team. In volleyball...there is a bump, set, spike...point! Teamwork is used in many different life's situations, why can't this concept be applied to your health and leading a healthy lifestyle? Assemble a "team" of people that will help you stay on track with your health. Now this team isn't just for a certain period of time, this team is 100% behind you, 100% of the time. Create a team of people that motivate you, that help you stay moving forward. That will keep you on track during the bad days. Make sure your team is in it to win it and won't quite when things get tough!

Check out THIS teamwork video...

Good stuff is going on with your Crossfit Central Athletes! Check out the leader board! Also make sure to read about Coach Jess's Experience with "Never Say Never" HERE ! Read about Coach Karen's experience with 12.5 HERE!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Its REALLY scarey that 12.4 has come and gone! YIKES! I cannot believe we only had one more week in the open! This weeks workout was:
12min AMRAP/Cap
150 Wall Ball...aka "Karen" (14#/20#)
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups

Interesting. My first thought was...I just want ONE muscle up in this workout. I just want 1, I battled for one last year and it was no bueno. I just want one, so I could say, I got a muscle up in The Open and this is my chance. I went 2nd heat with Heather as my judge...duh! ;) The advice I had been given was break up the wall ball. I knocked out a set of 50...25...25...25...25. Each one I would break shake my arms and count out loud to 5. It actually wan't that bad. I was the first one off the wall, but I knew I had to be.
I got to jump rope and did 50 unbroken...then 20...then 20. I knew I had to take a breather because I didn't want my forearms to give out before muscle ups. I want to make sure to get one. I did NOT want to battle for just one. I got to the rings, shook out my hands and BAM...I got 6! I prob attempted 10, but I got 6! I am so excited too! It really made my day! I cannot thank my fellow coaches and our awesome community enough for the support and cheering during The Open. I promise we can hear each of you and are VERY moved by your belief in us. Thank You!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


"If you can dream it, you can see it, if you can see it, you can do it!" (John Henry). Is there something you want so bad that you can describe EVERY detail of it. Something bigger than life? You dream about it every night and day dream about it in your spare time. Its on your mind so much you feel as if you are already living it. Good news is...this is healthy and a GREAT step to making these dreams come true!

Go back to when you were 7 years old (or younger). You were able to dream in such great details. You could describe what "it" tasted like, what it felt like, what it smelled like, what it looked like. Everything had a positive spin on it too. When did this stop? When did you stop dreaming BIG!? WHY did you stop dreaming BIG!? Are you living the life you envisioned yourself living when you were 7 years old? On a clean sheet of paper, write down your age in the top left hand corner. In the top right hand corner, write down how old you will be 10 years from now. Set a timer for 5-7mins. Write what you want your life to be like in 10 years. If you want a flying car...write flying car. Your hand writing doesn't have to be perfect, it only has to make sense to YOU! I want you to DREAM BIGGER than you ever thought possible. I want you to write down things/actions that YOU dream of. What what be "perfect" to you. For 5mins I don't want your pen to leave the paper. Once finished, I want you to read these dreams out loud. I want you to place them in a place where you can see them every day, so you can reflect on them frequently, including reading them out loud many times.

"Where there is no vision, the people will parish" -Proverbs 29:18

Tony Robbins on Visualizing Your Goals!

12.3 18min AMRAP

12.3 18min AMRAP
15 Box Jumps 20"
12 Push Press 75#
9 Toes To Bar

The first thing I though of when I saw this was last years workout with toes to bar and how bad I ripped my hands up. I think I went through a FULL roll of tape trying to keep my hands together. This year I made wraps out of the tape that were 2xs as wide as the ones last year. I was prepared! I paired up with Heather...well if you read my last posting then you know why...

I started out with box jumps..which were jump up, step down on EVERY single one. I had heard horrible stories about people doing damage, plus it was faster. I made it to push press, not to bad and then toes to bar...I was nervous because of my hands. But I made it through it. My long sleeve shirt was off by min 3. My wraps were off my hands by min 5 because by this time it had started to rain and I slipped when I grabbed the bar. Thanks goodness Chris Hartwell was there to wipe the bar just before I grabbed it for Toes To Bar.

Good news is I made it through 9 full rounds then all the way to 2 Toes to bar...scoring a 353 on the WOD! It was a tough one but I think the burpee WOD was harder...if that is the case then maybe I should have moved faster. Bring it on 12.4!!!

12.2 Snatch

12.2 Snatches
30 Snatches at 45#
30 Snatches at 75#
30 Snatches at 100#
AMRAP at 120#

When I first heard this we (Jess and I) had just sent the ladies of the 6:45pm class on their 400m warm up run. Molly announced it out the window for all the coaches who have been waiting since last Friday. My first thought was (A) Thank goodness I was in Oly Classes (B) 120# is my max...yikes! I started asking questions about technique and what is the fastest, safest way to move through this. How do you break it up? What would you do? I asked all my fellow coaches who I look up to..which also include my oly lift coach. Friday came round and I paired up with Heather Reed, a fellow Relentless Coach. I LOVE have her s my judge. She is EXTREMLLY motivating! She knows exactly what I want to hear and when I need to hear it. She knows when I need to be screamed at and when I need to be motivated. She went in first heat and I went in the 2nd. Here is how I moved through it:

45# - Unbroken Muscle Snatch
75# - Checked in at 15 reps but most tap and go Power Snatch (not becaue I need to power snatch 75# But because it was the smart thing to do)
100# - Started out with 2 sets of 3...then it quickly went to singles...with a split snatch!
I finished with a score of 90 (made it to the 120#). I'm okay with it, even though I kinda wanted to try the 120#...just to see!

12.1 7min AMRAP Burpees

Well "IT" is here....THE OPEN! For those that don't know, this is the beginning competition to The Crossfit Games. The Games is like the olympics of the sport of crossfit. This event will determine the fittest man and woman on earth. It is held in California in July. They announce the WODs on Wednesday at 7pm. Crossfit Central athletes will do them on Thursday and Fridays and then the Crossfit Coaches will take them on on Fridays at 1pm. I find it fun to try and guess what the WODs are going to be...I'm never right, but it is fun, makes it less stressful in my books. The more fun I have the easier and more enjoyable the WODs are no matter how hard they are physically. This WOD will NEVER be forgotten.

12.1 7min AMRAP of Burpees

Yes, you read that right...7 mins of Burpees...with a JUMP 6 inches above reach. A single movement...for 7mins. My first thought was AWESOME...endurance style...I got this. All I gotta do is STAY MOVING! #EasyDay if you will. Friday came and we all met at Crossfit Central for the coaches WOD. It was like a PARTY! The news was there...we had a DJ...client/athletes were was going to be AWESOME!I paired up with Jess Estrada. She went first heat and made 118 burpees look SIMPLE! I set up under the pull up bar. 3-2-1 GOOO! Well the first 2 min was fun...then it started to SUCK! LOL! It was really about moving through it then. I finished with 110 burpees to my name. My quads were sore my breath was short. Needless to say it was done and I felt it. It was a HURT SO GOOD!

12.1 DONE!