Sunday, February 27, 2011


After looking at rings for 12mins during Fittest Games (as well as during Regionals last year) I was determined to get my muscle up soon. Erin and I had been working on this movement/skill. Erin is a fellow Crossfit Central Coach as well as my accountability partner....she is GREAT! We decided that we were going to practice these...ALOT. Well last Wednesday we had a short workout so we cleaned up the bars and pulled out the rings. Fellow coaches were chillin/recovering but we went to work. After a few trials, I remembered my flip camera and retrieved it from my bag to film our efforts. At one point Erin ALMOST got hers and David said, "Erin, why don't you have your muscle up". Alot of the other coaches gave him a hard time saying that was harsh! LOL...but look what it did....

You Tube will NOT let me embed this in here but HERE is the link!

It was my turn. I tried, Em tried, I tried and BAM.....check it out!

You Tube will NOT let me embed this in here but HERE is the link!

I cannot believe we got this on film! It is AMAZING! I cannot thank my crossfit family enough for being excited for me. This includes when I posted it on facer all the positive comments I recieved from people and the carry over excitement into this past weekend when I saw crossfitters from other boxes in person. HUGE shout out Erin....we can check this off our list!!!

Triple Threat Throwdown - Milestone Crossfit

Well I went up to Milestone Crossfit's Grand Opening to support a few lifters and ended up jumping in the competition (I think I actually took Crystal's place). They were explaining the workouts and I was warming up. The workouts went as follows:
WOD #1:
4 rounds
15 deadlift - 95#
15 Burpes
WOD #2
400m Run
30 pull ups
WOD #3
8min AMRAP
16 wall ball - 14#
12 Box Jumps
8 in and outs
WOD #1 - Well the first workout might look was a GASSER! I'm not kidding. The trick? Don't stop. Serious. Pick up the bar 15 times then slam yourself on the ground 15 times. It was more difficult than I thought. I finished in 4:15!
WOD #2 - The run not bad...the pull ups. Since I have never attempted butterfly in comp I decided to do it this round. Well only about 3 of my 7 attempts counted so I switched to regular kipping. I did have to drop in between and re grip on the bar. This is something to work towards for sure; Butterfly and 30 unbroken pull ups. I tell you what, my arms were VERY sore after this!
WOD #3 - No lie in and outs kicked my BUTT! I got 5 rounds in but it wasn't easy. Out of all of that in and outs were the worst part! How sad is that! I guess I should add them to my list of things to practice LOL!
How did things end up? Check out the photo below....Crossfit Central takes the podium (thats me on the left, finished in 3rd)! Not to bad for someone who walked up and jumped in a competition!

This was a GREAT event and well attended! I loved seeing the different boxes come together to support each other during their grand openings. I cannot thank my fellow Central people enough for the coaching and encouragement during the event. It was great to meet new crossfitters as well. Also huge shout out to Lynn-Dell and Kim (who attend their first crossfit workout prior to the competition) for keeping up with my bag during the whole event LOL! Its like I was telling someone, this might be an "individual competition" but its like we are all working together. Everyone wants everyone to do their best and have great success. I cannot tell you how many people hugged my neck or high fived me because I got my first muscle up. Now THAT is family!
Kim's 2 daughters and Marc showed up for the last workout. After watching the last workout they played in the jump house then joined some of the other athlete's kids in jumping on the box and picking up the med balls. Today Kim sent me the pictures below. Her littlest one Maggie who is 6 re built the last WOD at their home. I was also informed that she was throwing a basketball against the house. I think there is a potential crossfitter...what do you think?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Austin Half Marathon

Today I ran in the Austin Half Marathon!! Once again, this is the ONLY picture I have from this race because my family ran!! The picture above is my 16 year old cousin, Sadie, my dad's brother, Uncle James and myself. My Aunt who rocked the 5K is taking the picture. I feel like the course is different every run but I really enjoyed the challenge of this one. I ran with a good buddy of mine, Shane. It was nice to have company along the way! I also really enjoyed seeing the spectators as well....Jess, CP and Melisa at miles 2 and 8!

A BIG thank you to all those that came out to support the runners of all the races, it means alot to see your face out there.

"A family that runs together, stays together"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Fittest Games

On Sunday Feb. 13th, I participated in The Fittest Games. This was a well run event hosted by Crossfit Central. We couldn't of asked for a better location or weather. It started off a little cold but then warmed up. I actually ended up sunburned! I was VERY lucky to have Jess in my heat (check out her interview on SicFit...she KILLED WOD 3) She kept me going in the right know I'm easily confused.
WOD #1: Gasser
30 burpees with parallet jumps
gasser (across football field)
30 Dumbell (35#) Snatches
30 Dumbell Shoulder to Overhead (35#)
My time: 5:06 (see below)
WOD #2: Bear Complex
3RM wt.
My score: 115
Bear complex goes like this: Clean or Squat Clean, Front Squat to thruster to back squat to back over head and tap the ground. The bar cannot rest on the ground during any part of this. I started out light and went up to 120, but coming back over my head at the end I couldn't lock out. But I'm happy with 115!

WOD #3: Gymnastics
2 Muscle Ups - ?? Toes to Bar - ?? Double Unders
* There were 5 rounds to this , the Toes to bar and Double Unders got lower in reps as the rounds went.
Here is the thing about this one. I cannot do a muscle up...yet. I'm still working on progressions. However I used the time during this WOD to get some coaching. And I was able to get slower to a muscle up than I have ever been :) I'll take it!
WOD #4: Track Workout
200m Run
15 Snatches (95#)
400m Run
15-12-9 SDHP and Push Press (65#)
200m Run

This was my favorite, as well as the hardest workout. I orignally planned on power snatching it up and then overhead squatting it but after a few of those it wasn't working. I even have pics of me doing this and having to balance the wt on one foot. I thought I"m just going to try a squat snatch and OMG it worked! I tried another worked! I thought gosh dang, I'm just going to keep with these. Imagine that corect form worked! I got done with my 400 and did as many unbroken reps of the SDHP and Push Press as possible. Then finished with the 200. I also had the BEST judge out there, Mrs. Heather Reed; a fellow coach and STRONG motivator. Thanks heather!
Also HUGE thanks to the volunteers of this event as well CP and John who followed Jess and me around taking pictures!

Watch more video of The Fittest Games Challenge on

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Form 3

“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.” - Og Mandino

This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend Form 3 with a bunch of different women in the community. It go waaaaayyyyy more out of it than I thought I did. I even got to see and visit with Leah Goldstein from Crossfit Katy! During this session Coach Jessica talked about Strength and Beauty and how we as females view ourselves. We always tend to only see the negative. So what we did was we wrote on a slip of paper 5 things we didn't like about our selves and burned it...literally. This was very powerful. I have a new view on negative comments that I have created upon myself.."just burn it". After Jess spoke, Coach Crystal talked about food and eating and the benefits of eating healthy! She also talked about her experience with food and the battles she overcame as well as the awesome results not just physicall but mentally regarding eating. She has an AWESOME Fuel 21 shoud look into it! We also worked on our vision boards (I created a vision book). This is the same as a board but in a book. I am always going to add to it and it has room to grow. This was great because we had a zillion women sharing dreams and goals and being very open about them and not afraid. It was powerful! Want sweet dreams? Look at your vision book before you go to bed (more to come on this book later)!

I will act now...

Jay van Bavel

Meet Dr. Jay van Bavel! I have been training Jay since Dec. 5th, 2008. Jay recently "went paleo". He now logs his food on a google shared document that I have access to so I can provide feedback. During the past 60 days he has lost over 10lbs, 8 inches and 3.5% bodyfat. Jay works very hard during his sessions with me, as well as doing some of the workouts I have sent him on his own. He also goes on bike rides on the weekends! Nice work Jay, keep it up!

Friday, February 4, 2011

T/Th @ Jack and Adams

6:30am Jack and Adams isn't letting a little cold slow them down! They are showing the med balls and Kettle bells whos boss! Nice work Yall!

If you are interested in join this AWESOME group dont' hesitate to contact me!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brentwood Relentless Bootcamp

5:30pm Brentwood is not only toughing out the cold, but ROCKING the kettlebells!
See y'all tonight at 5:30pm!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Chasers!!!

I'm actually proud to say that I do not have any pics of me running the Houston Half Marathon on Sunday. It isn't because I looked liked a drowned rat from the rain and humidity and refused pictures. I don't have pics of me running because my family was to busy running in various races of the Houston Half Marathon and 5K! How AMAZING is that? No one chased anyone from mile to mile. My Aunt and Parents ROCKED the 5K and my Uncle, cousin and myself flew through the Half. I have a wonderful, active family and I'm proud of each one of them. 2012 NO CHASERS!!!