Friday, January 28, 2011

Clayton Manzer

Meet one of my best friends, Clayton Manzer (@claytonmanzer). This is us in 2010, just before the Houston Marathon, at the expo. I think this picture is VERY funny because it shows how far both of us have come. See, this picture was taken just after Clay had made fun of me for eating a 1 block zoned paleo snack (1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 boiled egg and 3 almonds) that I pulled out of my purse. I was doing Crossfit Central's IAM Challenge.This is the morning of the race. Clay is running the half marathon...weighing in at 315lbs. He also did Austin half in Feb. 2010.
Clayton started Crossfit Beaumont in February 2010 and shortly after he went paleo. His results have been LIFECHANGING! He is currently down to 265lbs, and is leaner and at his strongest EVER. Below is him performing the push jerk during the Crossfit Katy Comp this summer...his first comp which he placed in the top 10. Way to Go Clay! While these pictures only show the physical change Clay has experienced it doesn't compare to his energy level, his way of eating, his strength, his speed. I am VERY proud of Clay and everything he has become. Love You Clay!
Repping the Double Cs!
Did I mention he is a HOTT firefighter?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Double Unders

According to Wikipedia, Double Unders are defined as "To perform a double under, the participant needs to jump up higher than usual while swinging the rope twice under his feet it is possible to have the rope swing three times under the feet (triple under). In competitive jump rope triples, quadruples ("quads"), and quintuples ("quins") are common. Crossfit teaches you to do double unders like THIS. Double unders are a skill you start learning in GRADE SCHOOL. You are introduce to it WAAAYYY early in life....meaning I have had time to practice. On Friday I was faced with a workout that contained double unders as the first "exercise" in this list of workouts. I have to admit, I'm not the greatest at these but I'm not to shabby. The workout went as follow (or close to it):

1 round: 16min Cut Off & you could not move on to the next until the exercise was complete.
30 unbroken double unders
15 Clean and Jerk (120#)
?? Muscle Ups
25 Right arm KB snatches (35#)
25 Left arm KB Snatches (35#)
10 pistols
30 unbroken double unders

I did my normal warm up. Set up my bar for push jerk with 120# (which would be a PR for me, and I was to do it 15x) and my rings for muscle ups. 16min cut off. Guess who couldn't get past double unders. I tried 2 different ropes, ipod, no ipod, tennis shoes, no tennis shoes. Double unders put me in tears. I let them win and I'm ashamed of it. I was in front of many coaches that I admire and look up too. I was also wearing my "Bad Ass" socks but I'm not going to dwell on that because I didn't feel bad ass. I don't know the last time I have been that frustrated. I let double unders get to me and I'm passed embarrassed about my behavior. To prevent this from happening again, I have vowed to do no less than 10 straight mins of double unders. I am also trying a new rope on Saturday. I will keep you updated on the progress.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cinnamon Bun Muffins

Cinnamon Topping
2 tbsp agave nectar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp grapeseed oil

1.To make cinnamon topping, combine agave, cinnamon and oil in a small bowl
2.Set mixture aside

Muffin Mixture
1 cup blanched almond flour
2 tbsp coconut flour
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp celtic sea salt
¼ cup grapeseed oil
¼ cup agave nectar
3 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla extract

1.Combine almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl
2.In a large bowl blend together oil, agave, eggs and vanilla
3.Blend dry ingredients into wet and scoop a scant ¼ cup at a time into lined muffin cups
4.Spoon topping onto muffins
5.Bake muffins for 8-12 minutes at 350°
6.Cool muffins for 2 hours

Makes 9 muffins

Stolen from Elana's Pantry!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Extra Workout Posted!

Need a fun workout? Check out the Relentless Bootcamp site for FIT Workouts (Friday Intense Training). If you do take part in these please let me know...I would love to hear about your experience!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Better late than never...My Relentless victims kicked off the start of the new year with a "New Years WOD". This included the following:

2011 = 20 russian twist and 11 situps
365 (days in 2011) = 365 toe taps OR overhead wall slams
52 (wks in 2011) = 52 lunges
24 (24hrs/day) = 24 squats
7 (7 days a week) = 7 burpees

Happy 28th Birthday Chi!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Form 3

Form 3, a women’s world tour will travel to 5 cities across America to influence, motivate, and inspire women to create and forge new paths to fulfillment and purpose in their lives. Carey Kepler, Jessica Sharratt and Crystal Nelson are joined by lululemon athletica to host the tour. You do not want to miss this spectacular event.

Form 3 Kickoff: February 5th, 2011 in Austin, TX
More Details and Register

I am lucky enough to get to work with these ladies on this and I'm SOOO looking forward to it!

Programs at Crossfit Central

Crossfit Central is offering some GREAT programs this year you don't want to miss out!! Below is some information regarding the different programs. If you miss the sign up don't hesitate to contact these amazing women for more info!

Strength & Beauty with Jessica Sharratt - Limited to 10 People
The Strength and Beauty Program is not just about muscles and a hot body, yes that is part of it, but I wanted to create a transformational program for women to achieve long term success and true happiness. Strength & Beauty teaches you to be aware of your life and the choices you make. Strength & Beauty this is not just a fitness program, it is a movement. It is a movement to inspire women to take charge of their lives and become the person they desire to be. Together we will change society’s view of women and more importantly the way other women view each other. Commit to this program today, get results & transform your life! More Information & Register

Who this program is for:
This program is for a woman looking to kick start her fitness before joining a CrossFit Central program OR someone looking to take on a 4 week challenge to help them achieve their goals and desired fitness level. Strength & Beauty is open to anyone, you do not have to be a current client to register.

Included in the 4 Week Strength & Beauty Challenge:

•S&B Guidebook
•28 Day Food List
•28 Day Menu Guide
•28 Day AdvoCare Supplement Recommendations (Optional)
•Goal Setting
•Before and After Pictures
•Before and After Body Composition
•Before and After Fitness Evaluation
•28 Daily Mission Emails
•Accountability to Food Log, Workouts and Much More
There are 2 Strength & Beauty package options available:

1.Premium Package: Includes 2 personal training sessions each week & a professional makeover
2.The Group Package: Includes weekly meetings & workouts to take on at home
More Informaiton & Register

21 Days to Food Freedom with Crystal Nelson - Limited to 15 People
21 Days to Food Freedom is a program for anyone that wants to change their dietary habits and do it in a focused, supportive, group environment. This is for anyone who has struggled with eating habits and has been unsuccessful in the past with "sticking with it", or for those who are just starting out. This 21 day program will change your life if you make the commitment by keeping you focused on your motivations behind changing the way you eat and get you REAL RESULTS while also staying balanced after the program ends on day 22 and after. More Details & Register

Who this program is for:
This program is for anyone looking to change their eating habits, be held accountable to their nutrition goals and is open to anyone, you do not have to be a current CrossFit Central client.

Included in 21 Day Food to Freedom Program

•3 One Hour In Person Seminars to Motivate You and Keep You On Track
•Unlimited Access from Crystal for Questions, Support, and Motivation for 21 Days
•A Manual to Guide you through the 21 Days
•An Individualized Development Plan so you cannot fail
•Accountability from the Group and Crystal
•Weekly Menu Plan
•Detailed Food Log and Check-ins

•Pre and Post Body Assessments
•Before and After Pictures
•Goal Setting

•Detailed Maintenance Plan for AFTER the 21 Days
BONUS - A Group Trip to a Restaurant to Learn How to Eat Out!

More Details & Register

Carey Kepler Signature Series - Limited to 30 Women

The Carey Kepler Signature Series is an opportunity for the Women of CrossFit Central to commune together and open opportunities to become inspired. This curriculum will create a place where women can define their futures, empower one another to step out of their normal daily routines and become more - as a friend, a wife, a mother, a lover, a person. This series is a true opening for women of our community to set goals and become great! This 3 month program that will equip you with the tools to create the life you desire and allow you to achieve your goals.

Who this program is for:
Carey Kepler's Signature Series is designed for women looking to develop their mindset, goals and vision for their lives. You must be a current client, enrolled in the CrossFit Women's program to register

Included in the Carey Kepler Signature Series:

•Kick Off & Graduation
•Three Goal Setting Sessions
•Vision Book Creation
•Happy Hour/Social
•Book Club
Cost: $100 per person (Roughly $33 a month)

Cool Idea for the Gift Giving - Surprise someone with this series as a gift!
Contact to surpise the woman in your life with this life changing series.

Kettlebell Workshop

Saturday I was able to be apart of a great group and help coach the Trojan Skills workshop! Our 2011 Trojans were able to bring their kettlebell and learn some new skill as well as master some old ones. We had an awesome turnout and I strongly believe the Trojans are now stronger because of it...GO TEAM D!!!
If you have found more love for the kettlebell and want to go into class that just focus on the HERE for more info! Current clients get a discount!!
For More Pictures go HERE!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Team Domination!!

Meet mine and Chris Hartwell's 2010 Trjoan Team...Team Domination...aka Team D!!!! These AMAZING clients of Crossfit Central have stepped up to the plate and agreed to increase their workouts, log their eating, attend extra workouts, set goals and ACHIEVE THEM!!!. Watch out, Team D has kettle bells and knows how to use it!!
Ashley Sorvillo
Amy Wolfery
Carlina Muglia
Belinda Flores
Stephen Neely
Randy Green
Allison Warner
Tim Bougie
Mariela Villarerde
Videos to Come...flip cam education is coming!!
For more pics go HERE!