While looking for a workout for myself Wednesday night, when I should have been planning a workout for my bootcamp I came across this workout called "The Bruin". As I was writting it down I thought, "OMG I could modify this for my bootcampers....they are going to hate me!". Therefore I have been putting all my bootcampers/clients through "The Bruin"!! When I get unsore from this weeks workouts, I personally (and because I promised my 5:30pm Bootcampers) I plan on taking on The Bruin. I will film it and post it! Meet "The Bruin"
100m sprint
83 Forward Lunges w/ wt. overhead
70 Squats
83 Reverse Lunges w/ wt. overhead
35 push press
100m Sprint
15 Thrusters
100m Sprint
83 Forward Lunges w/out wt.
35 Burpee
83 Reverse Lunges w/out wt.
100m Sprint
70 Double Unders
100m Sprint
Bootcampers used 6-10lb med balls for weight and did 70 sit ups instead of double unders! I'm in the process of trying to find the WOD to get the exact wt for the overhead incase you want to do it, but hang tight!
Above is my 5:30pm Rentless Brentwood Bootcampers (minus a few) who took on "The Bruin" during a make up Wednesday night!
My favorite feedback comment from this workout was: "BYOC...Bring Your Own Cane"
*pic of my 6:30am Jack and Adams Rentless Bootcampers to come when I get it off my camera*
I asked Gina how she felt after this workout, what was worse her shoulders or legs, her reply "I hurt all over". LOL! You know it was a good one!