Before we got to BMT we stopped in Brenham...yes we made a stop at the bluebell factory...for some pictures in the bluebonnets with the family and friends. Even though they were not as full as I had hoped, they still made for awesome pictures!
(Bubba, Lady Bird, Duke and Myself)
(Ranger, Duke, Shiner, Lady Bird)
After pictures we headed to the bright lights of Beaumont where we celebrated with some ritas! It was off to bed early because Mom, Rach and myself were headed to Crossfit Lumberton to take on Jesus WOD. What is "Jesus WOD" you might ask? This WOD, created by Jeremy Thiel, is a WOD that symbolizes Jesus when he carried his cross. The WOD goes as follow:
14 Rounds (symbolizing the 14 stations of the cross)
50ft Walking Lunges
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat Cleans
10 Push Press
After rounds 3,7, 9 - 7 TGU (symbolizes the 3 times Jesus fell carrying the cross) (1/1.5pd)
Goal: Never put the bar down.
This WOD was not as easy as I thought it was going to be...then again I know his cross was more than 65# and so I did NOT put the bar down. I called time at 50:15. It was rough, and made me VERY sore but the pain is nothing compared to what he did for my sins.
After Jesus WOD I was asked to demo a muscle up for the beginner class and since I had been practicing 2 in a row (never getting one) I figured why not go for it and BAM it happened!!! I did 2 MUs in a row!!!
HUGE thanks to one of my close friends Clayton Manzer for opening up his box for us to do this, as well as letting us carry on into the class just so we could finish all 14 rounds. It was also AMAZING to have the community doing the same WOD at the same time. I even had an oldie but goodie meet me up there to check out the sport of Crossfit as well as take on as much as the WOD as possible.
(Kyle, Me, Mom, Rach, and Clay)