This weekend, 200 athletes including myself, tried out for Central Southern Texas Sectionals. event was composed of 3 different workouts:
WOD 1 (Saturday, 9am) "Dead Man's Row"In 12 minutes, complete:
2K Row + Max Reps Deadlift (275/185lbs)
Score = Row time - (Deadlift Reps x 5 seconds)
WOD 2 (Saturday, 1pm) "Mabry Medley"3 Rounds of (12 min cap):
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Barbell Ground-to-Overhead (135lbs)
12 Burpees
2 Handstand Push-ups
6 Barbell Ground-to-Overhead (95lbs)
10 Burpees
Score = Elapsed Time
WOD 3 (Sunday, 9 am) "On To The Next One"In 25 Minutes Complete:
15 Thrusters 115lb/65lb
Run 100 ft
KB Snatch 24kg/16kg
Run 100 ft
100 Double Unders
Run 100 ft
KB Swings 24kg/16kg
100 ft Farmers Walk w/KB
15 Snatch 115lb/65lb
Yeah. LOL! If you are tired reading all that, imagaine doing it! WOW! The competition was this weekend, we were told Wednesday what the workout was going to be. When I look at this there are 2 things that stand out to me...handstand push ups and double unders. I cannot do a handstand push up and I can do prob 2 double unders before I slap myself with the rope, ouch. What was I going to do...just give it my all...and send up the amens!
When we got there I went and sat with the Central crew. After a quick glance at everyone I realized I was one of the few who DIDN'T bring their trigger point kit OR their ipod. I didn't have a yoga mat or enough food (yikes!). Little to late to start worrying about that now! After a brief meeting Wave 1 (my wave/heat) set out to warm up. There I went. After a brief run with Lisa, Jessica, and Alex, I did my normal warm up, the only way I know how to warm up for a crossfit event LOL. If it works, it works...After that I did a few deadlifts then went back to the start and lined up. We were the first wave. I want to say there was 18 of us in the first wave, but I could be wrong. I got paired up with my judge, Catherine who was an awesome help. I set up on the rower. They counted down and I started my 2k row. When was the last time I rowed...I'm not really sure. Which is prob why when I got done Big Mike said "your rowing form was horrible" LOL. He told me I looked like I was trying to save energy...hummmm DUH! LOL! Anyways...the first 600m was fun then I thought "this is for the birds", which is prob why my form started to suck, bad. After a long 2K of rowing I had 10 seconds to get off the rower, chalk and pull my first deadlift (the workout was 2K row then max deadlifts w/ 185lbs). While 185lbs isn't alot to me HOWEVER there were some rules that made it hard other than the fact my hams were cussing at me. You rest point wasn't on the was when you picked it up. If you wanted to stop lifting you were done, if you wanted to readjust your grip you had to do it at the hips. HOLY COW! Some how I managed to rep out 17reps on the dead. Man I was glad that was done.
I left to run home and let Duke out then back for more fun with handstand push ups. ugh. I came back and got ready for my wave to go at 1:45pm. When I got back I found out that they had changed the rules. If you wanted to "tap out" of the handstand push ups you could do push ups. HOWEVER if you did tap out, you were NOT able to go on to regionals. I did what any athlete would do...asked coach. I found lisa and asked her what she thought. She advised me to just simply try the handstand push ups, if I dont' get them I can either try for 12 mins OR sit. She didn't suggest tapping out and doing the workout but to save my energy for tomorrow. I was like okay, if you say so. Wave 1 lined up and we went out there. I was paired with a judge, don't remember his name. We went over the workout and I tried a ground to overhead and it went smooth, but that wasn't what I was worried about. I stood in front of my markings on the black rubber and when they said "go" I went into a handstand...and attempted handstand push ups for 12 mins. I didn't move on because I couldn't get past those stupid handstand pushups. I tried and tried and tried. My judge told me "there is always a tap out option", I think someone was tired of me trying. I told him, "I'm sorry but I dont' quit". I left that workout with no point and one massive blister on my hand and had never touched the barbell. ouch. I watched other rounds/waves/heats of athletes and many of them were like me which is the reason I didn't feel so bad about not getting one handstand push ups. I went home that day and took Duke to the park and then came home and CRASHED because tomorrow is a new day!
Sunday I woke up on time and headed to Camp Mabry, where the event was hosted. At least in today's workout I could do everything, kinda. Double the grass??? Whos bright idea was this??? I got there and due to scoring I was in wave 2...I don't get it either, oh well. One less worry I would have to deal with. I warmed up with the girls and practiced my jump rope in the grass...I still suck. Oh well its now or never. I lined up for the 2 wave workout. I met my judge, don't remember his name but he was cook. I liked him. I practiced a thruster, we ran to the Kettlebell station and I did a few reps on each arm and a swing with a 16kg kb. We ran 100 feet to put my jump rope down. have I said ugh yet regarding this? LOL! I ran back to the start and waited for the count down. GO! I grabbed that bar...15 65lbs thrusters BAM done...ran off to the Kettlebell station. Kettlebell snatches...5 one hand 5 the other, back and forth 5 and 5, 5 and 5 all the way to 50, off to jump rope my heart is already jumping. I picked up that rope and I started knocking out double unders like they were no bodies business...WHAT THE HECK? Where did these come from? Who cares keep going!!!!! I got 100 in by doing sets of 8 or 10. I ran back to the Kettlbell station and did 50 swings with a 16kg bell. The hardest part about these were the fact that our ears had to be in front of our arms! This is proper form but difficult when you are tired. Next I farmers walked that 16kg kettlebell 100 feet back to the barbell where I had to perform 15 snatches with 65lbs. I'm not going to lie, this quickly turned into a snatch over head and then an overhead squat. BAM done in 11:53. I was the first one finished in my heat/wave. This was very good for me mentally after yesterday's no handstand push ups. I was glad that workout was over with. It was fun and my area, move weight run, move weight run. I stayed around the rest of the day to watch the others compete and make sure my shoulders had a GREAT sunburn. LOL!
At the end was awards. The top 30 will go to regionals. I decided to stick around to see what happend...good thing because I qualifed to go to regionals!!!!!! I'm super excited! Not only did I do well but many other Central lifters are also going to regionals!! This is awesome! I have alot of work to do but pumped about doing it!
I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Melisa, one of my closest friends who came out and supported me and stayed positive even when I was slamming my head on the ground during handstand push ups (ugh). She is a wodnerful friend, woman, athlete and workout buddy! Thanks Melisa for all that you do for me!
I knew you could do it! You are AWESOME, and I thoroughly enjoyed cheering for you! I can't wait to see you and the rest of CC kick some ass at Regionals!