Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Just incase you missed it on the Relentless Website, My precious bootcamp victims took on

(above 6:30am Jack and Adams)
(above: 11:45am Spiceworks)

No, it wasn't easy BUT my bootcampers ROCKED it! For some reason I don't have a picture of Brentwood but believe me...they didn't hold back (they never do)! If you are brave enough take on The Rapture and let me know how it goes....

The Rapture
50 Burpees
75 Flutterkicks
100 Push Ups
150 Sit ups
(Rumor has it someone added on 200 squats)

Monday, May 30, 2011

What Now?

Sectionals is over...What Now? Well I qualified for Regionals as an individual which was a HUGE goal for me. I'm honored to say that I will be competing in Regionals on June 17-19th in Tomball, Texas on the RedBlack Team with Kris Kepler, David De Leon, Robert Brown, Crystal McReynolds and Jess Estrada! I'm beyond excited about this...

This takes training to a WHOLE new level! Not only do I want to do well for myself, but I now have 5 others counting on me to make smart decisions and take care of my body. Training is stepping up mobility is becoming more and more important...nutrition needs to be ON POINT! I'm asking for you to stay on my tail about each of these. There will be times I will need it. I will be tired and not want to do mobility...DON'T LET ME GET AWAY WITH THIS! Everything I do from here on out reflects my performance which reflects my team.

HUGE Congrats to all of the Central/RedBlack athletes headed to Tombball in June and a shout out to all the crossfit athletes who are currently or shortly taking on the Regional WODS. I'm truly honored to be apart of this and I PROMISE to give it my all on and off the blacktop!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My AWESOME weekend!

This past weekend, Duke and I traveled home to see the family and take care of some things! It was such an AWESOME weekend! Since my brother lives at home for the summer, mom got to have BOTH of her grandpuppies home. She liked it so much she even let them sleep in her bed...at the same time. I don't think my dad had much of a say in this! Saturday morning, I got up and went to the 10am Crossfit class at Crossfit Beaumont. Which was coached by my VERY good friend Clayton Manzer! Can you tell we did a shirt swap so he can now represent Relentless!! I also got a request from one of the members for one of the shirts as well! This was no easy workout! But because my mom and brother showed up at the 11am workout, I stayed and participated in that one as well! It was a great workout too! The 11am class had more than just my family in it! It had a friend of mine, Amber (black shirt in picture) who I was friends with in high school who does the 6am class with mom, my friend Danielle showed up to try crossfit out for her first time, as well as another one of mom's Rooster crew, Serina (spell?)! After class we all went to lunch...it was so much fun!! What a great box! Post lunch Bubba, Mom and me went to the storage shed to work on cleaning out my Great Aunts "stuff"...man she has a lot! Who knew one lady could have THAT MANY navy shoes...I don't get it! LOL Since we got so much cleaned out, mom ran a truck load to goodwill. This meant Bubba and I hung out at the shed waiting...which means trouble or in our case...wheelchair races around the buildings for time! We were wooped! I went home and took a 5pm nap! Bubba continued to sort through his stuff and mom went to a dinner! I then went to dinner with an old friend followed by a movie...Black Swan...CRAZY!!! Sunday included a service at Wesley UMC to celebrate Heritage Sunday (99 years!) then a nice drive back to ATX! I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Kettlebell!!!

Lizzette in the T/Th 5:30pm Brentwood Bootcamp...I like to call them Brentwood Bad A**....got a new HEAVIER kettlebell and she is killing WODs and taking names!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

AWESOME Weekend!

This weekend was nothing less than AMAZING! It started Friday with Crossfit Central's Picnic at Northwest Park! Well with crossfitters you get food and good food! The best thing about this community is that I know that when I go to a picnic or other sort of gathering I know the food there will be good quality and I don't have to worry about people asking/judging me for the reason I eat the way I do. Its all about the community!
At this picnic we had a game of Hoover ball going. What is Hoover ball you might ask?

"It was good enough for President Hoover and it's definitely good enough for CrossFitters. Hoover Ball has quite a history. It was invented by President Hoover's physician, Admiral Joel T. Boone to keep the President physically fit. The game combines tennis and volleyball and was perhaps a CrossFit style workout way before it's time. President Hoover enjoyed the games because it "gave more exercise in a short time" than other activities. Hoover Ball even made its way into the CrossFit Journal. Read Coach Glassman's article about the game."

Give it a try at your next picnic or in your back yard!

Saturday Morning I woke up and joined some other crazy crossfitters to Fight For Air. We met at the Frost Tower to lead the warm up for a ton of people who were going to climb the Frost Tower Stairs to raise money for Lung Disease. Next thing you know we got into the line and were able to climb. This didn't go as easy as I thought it would be. I called time at 4:48ish! I'm VERY thankful God blessed me with a healthy set of lungs because I cannot imagine trying to do the things I love and having to "fight for air" like that. WOW!

Photo Above of Pre Climb...
Post Climb Photo

After the climb I went to train one of my in home clients. Let me just take a moment to brag on Gary. Gary travels ALLLL over the world. His job isn't easy and can be stressful and he runs on little sleep. Yet he manages to do his job, be an excellent father and husband AND place an importance on staying healthy. When I showed up he had a house FULL of out of town company and yet he still managed to get an hours workout in. He travels allll over the world and managed to make this happen...THESE actions are highly effective for his healthy as well as the example he is setting for his daughter. Imagine if ALL parents were this good of an example for their kids...where would our obesity rates be then?! Keep it up Gary!

Next Duke and I met up with my friend Erin and went on a hike on the greenbelt. I have done this but we went and looked at the falls...well where they were...LOTS of water gone. This was soooo much fun! We hiked for 2 hours going all over the place. Duke even swam for his first time without me being in the water AND he played fetch...these are BIG steps for him LOL! I even managed to take on The Hill Of Life! We are VERY lucky to have this in our backyard!

Since Duke decided to swim and my car was med ball free, I got both of them clean; car AND Duke! Then I got myself cleaned so I could put on my red boots and go 2 stepping with my friend Becky! We went to a place out in Buda to hear this band play that will be playing at her wedding in January! They were so good we are thinking about going to see them again on May 27th at Stardust. And yes I did get twirled around the dance floor!

Sunday Morning I got up and helped out with Crossfit Central's 1st Annual Kettlebell Challenge!!! This wasn't easy...WODs went like this...

WOD #1
Max snatch in 10 mins
(this means the bell MUST stay in motion and cannot touch the ground for TEN MINS!!)

WOD #2
25 Dual Kettlebell Swings
3 prowler pushes
20 Dual Kettlebell swings
3 prowler pushes
15 Dual Kettlebell Swings

As soon as pics are posted I will put some on here so you can see just how awesome it was!!
If you are interested in Crossfit Central's Kettlebell program go HERE.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spartan 300 Challenge

Well I took on the Spartan 300 and I'm still standing! While even though it was rough...it was in a crazy way...fun! I do like a challenge! I cannot remember if I have done Spartan or not, but how do you forget that right? I do know now that I wont forget it LOL! The workout went as follow:

Spartan WOD:

25 Pull Ups

50 Deadlifts

50 Push Ups

50 Box Jumps

50 Floor Wipers

50 KB Clean & Press

25 Pull Ups

Thanks to my AWESOME judge Heather Reed (pic below) I was able to do alot of things I didn't think I could do ...for starters my first set of pull ups...unbroken!!!
After pull ups we went to deadlift. Even though the weight was 95# it got heavy...FAST! I did 2 sets of 25 reps. After that was push ups. Oh push ups...body weight but so difficult, especially when there is 50 of them to do. Below is me taking a breather during my set...

Following push ups was box jumps...I dont' mind these. I find a focus point and turn my "go motor" on. I broke these up into sets of 10. I had to. After box jumps came the floor wipers. Let me tell you these are NOT easy as they look. I'm going to try to explain. You lay on your back and hold the bar you just deadlift (with the 95# on it). Then you take your feet and touch your toes to one side and then the other...thats 1...we had 50. I did mine in sets of 5. Ouch.

After that came the Kettle Bell Clean and Press! This wasn't bad weight....I just did 5 on the right and 5 on the left till I got to 50.

After that came the dreaded 2nd set of 25 pull ups. I wish I could say that they were as GREAT as the 1st but I'm lucky I stayed on the bar. they quickly turned into sets of 2s and 3s. I called time at 13:43 putting me 1st place in the Coaches heat! I'll take it!

HUGE Shout out to my mini me...well she has her own Relentless Bootcamps now...Chelsea Ross! She signed up and competed in the Coaches WOD and KILLED the workout! It was alot of fun showing up to the workout know she was going to be by my side suffering with me! No we didn't plan our outfits either! Way to go Chelsea...

Also Thank you Jess Clark for helping judge...your energy it what gets us through these workouts. I'm glad to be able to coach with you!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Climb? When you join the American Lung Association in the fight for healthy lungs and healthy air, you help save lives today and keep America healthy tomorrow.
Join Relentless Boot Camp's climb team comprised of coaches and athletes psyched to take on this unique challenge!

This team is open to the entire Relentless & CrossFit Central community. Join us for a great workout and to support a great cause! Relentless Boot Camps are not only participating, we are also sponsoring the event on May 14th. Look out for us at the pre-race warm-up hosted by Relentless on race day.

Fuel 21

On Wednesday May 4th (Star Wars Day) I started Crystal Nelson's Fuel 21 Program! You can read more about the program HERE. Alot of people have asked me "why are you doing this, don't you know how to eat?". I answer yes but there is always room for improvement. Crystal brings ALOT of knowledge to the table and I'm excited to learn from her. We took body comps and I'm getting better about logging. I have made changes in my eating like no samples at the grocery store...eggs only in the AM...no spark (she is trying to kill me j/k). I haven't cheated EVEN though I was on a boat party on Saturday...trust me gluten free cupcakes were HARD to turn down! Talk about staying strong. On top of all that regionals is coming up and I don't want nutrition...the one thing I can control...be a negative factor in anything, including workouts. Crystal knows what she is talking about and I trust her! So I'm on Day 5 of 21...wish me luck!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Spartan 300 Challenge

Guess what I'm doing on Saturday...

5th Annual Spartan 300 Challenge | Saturday, May 7th
@ CrossFit Central on Burent Rd
36 Men & 12 Women--All Levels
*open to the public
Cost $50

CrossFit Coaches Challenge | Saturday, May 7th
@ CrossFit Central on Burnet Rd
12 Coaches---Male & Female
*open to the public
Cost $25

Spartan WOD:
25 Pull Ups
50 Deadlifts
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers
50 KB Clean & Press
25 Pull Ups

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fight For Air

I am participating in Fight For Air Climb held at Frost Tower. The CrossFit Central Relentless Boot Camp climb team is comprised of coaches and athletes psyched to take on this unique challenge! This team is open to the entire Relentless community. Join us for a great workout and to support a great cause! Relentless Boot Camps are not only participating, we are also sponsoring the event on May 14. Look out for us at pre-race workouts hosted by Relentless, on race day, leading the warm ups at the event!
For more info about Relentless Boot Camps, please click HERE!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


11.6 has come and gone and so has sectionals? Am I sad? NO because it is time to train for regionals baby!!! 11.6 didn't go as well for me as I wish it would, but I'm done....thanks goodnes! LOL! I was excited I got to be with some AWESOME people. 11.6 went as follow:

7min AMRAP
3 Thrusters
3 Chest to Bar
You increase by multiples of 3 each round

My experience? ugh. Chest to bar kicked my butt however I now know what I need to work on. Chest to bar, muscles ups, pistols, and HSPU. CRAZY! I WILL get better at these...you watch! Bring it on regionals...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Underground Strength Cert

This weekend was AWESOME!!!! Zach Even Esh came down to RedBlack to hold a certification, and I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend this certification. It was Saturday and Sunday 9-5pm. We learned about how to train using objects like sandbags (lots of sandbags), tires, kettlebells, LOTS of hanging options, grip strength, ropes and SOOOO much more. By the end of each day I was COVER it dirt, but wanting more! I as pushed to limits I didn't know I had. Not only did I get some great training/programming coaching, but I also got to meet some other coaches. So victims of mine...consider yourself warned...May is going to hurt so good!