On Saturday October 23rd 4 of the the Ninja Turkey's (and Duke) worked on some shoulder mobility exerices as well as some pull ups and hollow rocks! This was a great way to learn some ways to improve your shoulder range of motion which will in turn help you perform better on your lifts! No lie...the Ninja Turkeys are AWESOME!!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
"52 Card Pick Up"
Above is a few of my 5:30pm Brentwood Bootcampers post "52 Card Pick Up" workout! This is a great workout and can done with or without equipment! (1) get a deck of cards (2) assign each suit an exercise (3) assign all face cards an exercise (4) shuffle the cards and get to work!! Here is what the Rentless website suggested but the workouts are endless...let me know what you did!
Austin Fit Magazine
WE DID IT!!! My 5:30pm FREE Core Class at Jack and Adams made Austin Fit Magazine!!! Whoo Hoo!!! I'm so shocked and excited! Check out the article because it is one you can do without equipment (i.e. at home, hotel, family casa...). It just leaves you with NO EXCUSES!!
Now the only pic of me in this article is this top one, if you look close you can see my legs! My goal is by the time I'm 30 (I'm 26 now) I will have a head shot! :)
The class FREE and a lot of fun, plus a great workout....did I mention it was FREE? Contact me for more information!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
"The Carrie Story"
On Thursday October 21st, the 6:30am Rentless Bootcamp at Jack and Adams took on "The Carrie Story". Carrie McDonald (pic below) has been with Crossfit Central for a year, so here is her story...as well as a fun workout to go with it including her favorite moves (minus the burpees).
On 5/28/80 (5 situps, 28 russian twist, 80 sec plank hold) Carrie McDonald was born; this makes her 30 years old (30 lunges with med ball overhead). In 2009 (11 burpees) Carrie joined Crossfit Central, which was founded in 2005 (7 burpees). On 2/7/08 (2 sit ups, 7 russian twist, 8 sec plank hold) she ran her first Marathon (26 shoulder presses). On 12/5/10 (12 sit ups, 5 russian twist, 10 sec plank hold) she will run in the Dallas White Rock Marathon (26 shoulder presses). Her goal is 3:40 (3x40sec runs) which will quailfy her for the Boston Marathon (26 shlder presses) on 4/18/11 (4 situps, 18 russian twist, 11 sec plank hold) or the 2012 (5 burpees) Boston Marathon (26 shlder presses). Carrie has worked really hard for this, running 40-50mi/wk (4 runs), we wish this 30 y/o (30 ball taps) the very best!!!
(Pic Above: Neil and Carrie take a short run after most classes)
(Pic Above: Neil and Carrie take a short run after most classes)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
"For The Love Of Med Ball"
On Oct. 14th, 2010 my Thursday bootcampers took on "For The Love of Med Ball". The whole goal of the workout was not to put the med ball down :) And that did just that...some even used a 10lb ball!!! Thats right...my classes are AWESOME!!!!
I told them NOT to put the med ball down...so here is how they rested LOL!
IHOP Workout by Neil
On September 14th, 2010 some of the T/Th 6:30am Jack and Adams take on Neils "IHOP - Internation House of Power" workout! The workout goes as follow:
Famers Run with dumbbell overhead - opening ceremony
5/5 Turkish Get Ups
30 Russian Twist
20 American Swings
15 Roman Deadlift
Farmers Run with Dumbbell over head - Closing ceremony
Come find out what other "fun" workouts Crossfit Central's 6:30am T/Th Jack and Adams Rentless Bootcamp can do for you!
Friday, October 1, 2010
"The Bruin"
While looking for a workout for myself Wednesday night, when I should have been planning a workout for my bootcamp I came across this workout called "The Bruin". As I was writting it down I thought, "OMG I could modify this for my bootcampers....they are going to hate me!". Therefore I have been putting all my bootcampers/clients through "The Bruin"!! When I get unsore from this weeks workouts, I personally (and because I promised my 5:30pm Bootcampers) I plan on taking on The Bruin. I will film it and post it! Meet "The Bruin"
100m sprint
83 Forward Lunges w/ wt. overhead
70 Squats
83 Reverse Lunges w/ wt. overhead
35 push press
100m Sprint
15 Thrusters
100m Sprint
83 Forward Lunges w/out wt.
35 Burpee
83 Reverse Lunges w/out wt.
100m Sprint
70 Double Unders
100m Sprint
Bootcampers used 6-10lb med balls for weight and did 70 sit ups instead of double unders! I'm in the process of trying to find the WOD to get the exact wt for the overhead incase you want to do it, but hang tight!
Above is my 5:30pm Rentless Brentwood Bootcampers (minus a few) who took on "The Bruin" during a make up Wednesday night!
My favorite feedback comment from this workout was: "BYOC...Bring Your Own Cane"
*pic of my 6:30am Jack and Adams Rentless Bootcampers to come when I get it off my camera*
I asked Gina how she felt after this workout, what was worse her shoulders or legs, her reply "I hurt all over". LOL! You know it was a good one!